Articles for tag: Cyclamen, Spring Flowering Bulbs

Karla News

Cyclamen: How to Grow and Maintain

These bulb plants are native to the base of the Himalayas where the summers are cool. The original species have small rounded leaves and small sporadic flowers that resemble up-side-down tumblers. These species have been hybrid to the point where the leaves and flowers are large and the plant gives a spectacular show of color ...

Karla News

Bulbs for South Florida Gardening: Amaryllis Family

One of the things that northern gardeners miss the most when gardening in South Florida is spring flowering bulbs. Unfortunately, without some serious special preparation, spring flowering bulbs such as daffodils and tulips won’t grow here. Nevertheless, the big box stores carry them every year. That seems like deceptive sales practices to me. Someone has ...

Karla News

Early Spring Blooming Perennials

After a long cold winter, a colorful blossom poking its head through the chilly earth’s surface is a welcome sight. There are an unlimited number of flowering bulbs that can be planted in the fall to produce beautiful spring flowers in abundance. This is a great way to add color to your garden, however it ...

Karla News

Buying Fall Flowers Mums and Spring Bulbs

Well its time the mums are starting to show up at garden centers My favorite fall flowers are mums. Mums are a perennial and will come back each year with little to no help. The problem is they bloom much earlier than I want them to. I want my mums to last from Halloween to ...

Karla News

Garden Frost Protection: Fall Gardening

Fall is the time to end the growing season and prepare for the next one. One thing to be prepared for in fall is “Mr. Frost.” Vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, melons and beans are sensitive to frost. You might want to pick these plants before they are damaged by the frost. Frost ...

Autumn Gardening Tips

As the weather starts to cool and the daylight hours shorten, there are various things one can do to enjoy a cheerful autumn garden and help ensure a thriving and beautiful garden the following spring. Deadhead Spent Flowers Deadheading not only helps tidy up established flowerbeds, making them more visually pleasing, but can also encourage ...