Articles for tag: Poisonous Spiders, Spider Bites, Spiders, Venomous Spiders, Widows

Karla News

Venomous Spiders in California

This article is about venomous spiders in California. Hopefully if you searched for “Poisonous spiders in California” then you found this article anyway. I was called to task over this in previous spider articles I have written. Poisonous means something ingested, venomous means you were bitten or stung by some critter. Thus the correct title ...

Karla News

Songs About Rain for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Whether it is a winter storm or an April shower, kids get restless if they are cooped up inside too long on a rainy day. Don’t let their restlessness turn into boredom and grumpiness. Instead make a rainy day a fascinating learning experience by teaching them some special rainy day songs that will help boost ...