Articles for tag: Baby Development, Sensory Processing Disorder, Speech Development

Karla News

Baby Speech Development: A Basic Timeline

In the first year and a half of life, your baby’s speech will develop astonishingly quickly. It takes just 12 short months for a baby to develop inflection, vowel sounds, consonant sounds, and understood vocabulary– all the basic building blocks of language. All babies will develop speech differently. Your baby’s specific pattern of growth is ...

Karla News

Speech and Language Impairment in Children

As a parent, you may be confused by the fact that your child’s school has determined your child needs speech and language therapy, or speech and language related services. For many parents, the news comes as a surprise, not because the child does not demonstrate speech or language delays, but because parents and grandparents typically ...

Karla News

Pediatric Anemia; A Guide to Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

In the United States, seven percent of all children, between ages one and two, suffer from pediatric anemia with females more likely to suffer than males. Often debilitating and leading to delayed child development, understanding what causes anemia in children, anemic symptoms, process of diagnosising and treatment options, will aide a parent in seeking the ...

Karla News

Child Babble, or a Critical Component of Language Development?

Although children learning to speak may be a beautiful experience in the home, it inspires hot debate among psychologists studying it. Scientifically, babble is described as a “repetitive activity in which mandibular depressions alternate with elevations that briefly narrow the vocal tract, the specific points of obstruction being determined by the tongue and the lips” ...

Karla News

Tips for Developing Baby’s Speech Patterns

It is normal for parents to worry when their baby’s speech patterns seem slow or null when compared to others in the same age group. Some may even go into panic mode believing that something is wrong with their child, however on most occasions this is not the case. At What Age Do Babies Begin ...

Karla News

The Importance of Speech and Language Development at Birth

Child growth and development is most profound in the first few years of life. It is during the first years of life that children learn to talk through the acquisition of pronunciations first, then vocabulary which leads to sentence structure and then on to grammatical connections in language to form reading an writing. With proper ...