Articles for tag: Spasm

Karla News

Buerger’s Disease and Raynaud’s Disease: A Comparison of Two Vascular Disorders

Buerger’s Disease and Raynaud’s Disease are two vascular disorders that affect peripheral body parts, primarily fingers and toes. A comparison of these two vascular disorders reveals the similarities and differences between them. Buerger’s Disease and Raynaud’s Disease Comparison: Physiology and Causes Buerger’s Disease or thromboangiitis obliterans occurs when the small to mid-sized peripheral arteries in ...

How to Get Rid of the Crick in Your Neck

A crick is an uncomfortable stiffness and ache on one side of the neck that worsens when the head or arm moves. This discomfort can range from an aggravating nuisance to severe pain. When it strikes, we impulsively reach around to massage that spot behind our necks where the shoulder joins. That area can always ...

What is a Coronary Artery Spasm?

Of course you know what a heart attack is, but there’s another heart related event that you may be less familiar with – a condition called coronary arterial spasm. A person experiencing a coronary artery spasm can have many of the same symptoms as a person having a heart attack ‘” including chest pain, lightheadedness, ...

Get Relief from Muscle Cramps and Spasms

A muscle cramp or spasm is a muscle that has been constricted but the constriction doesn’t let up. You get them from exercising too hard or too fast, not warming up before exercising, or pulling a muscle trying to reach or pull too hard a number of times. Muscle spasms or cramps could also be ...

Symptoms of Nervous Disorders

Controlling muscle activities throughout the body is one of the functions of the human nervous system. When parts of the spinal cord and the brain (the two major organs of the nervous system) concerned with muscle activity become diseased, the action of the muscles correspondingly become radically different. This same result occurs when nerve connections ...

Karla News

Lower Back Pain: How a Heating Pad Can Help

Lower back pain will strike every adult at some point. For some, this pain is temporary and goes away, but for others this pain will linger and could affect them for years, and in some cases, forever. There are dozens of medications, medical treatments and alternative remedies that can be effective. Another remedy that is ...

Karla News

Emergency Tips If Your Child is Having a Blood Vessel Spasm

Last week something scary happened. It wasn’t anything I had ever seen or heard of before and it really freaked me out. My manager was holding my two month old son while I filled out some papers for work and suddenly she yelled, “Oh my god! He needs to see a doctor!” I immediately turned ...