Articles for tag: Minority Report, Oedipus, Oedipus the King, Sophocles, Thebes

Karla News

Oedipul Themes in Minority Report

Sophocles’ tragedy, Oedipus the King, though written in the 5th Century B.C., has continued to influence popular culture, even in this modern era. Every year new literature, theater, and screenplays are written with one or more of the elements of Oedipus the King. These elements include blindness, prophecy, hubris, and attempting to outwit fate. One ...

Karla News

Summary of Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King”

Characters Oedipus- King of Thebes Creon- brother of Jocasta Jocasta- wife of Oedipus Tiresias- blind prophet Prologue Oedipus asks the priest why the people seem so worried. The priest tells Oedipus that Thebans are becoming poverty-stricken due to bad crops, sick animals, babies dying in the womb, and the fever demon overtaking the city. They ...

Karla News

Fates Role in Oedipus the King

In the Greek tragedy Oedipus the King written by Sophocles, the antagonist is fate. The theme of fate is deeply intertwined in the plot. In this play, all meet their fate despite trying to escape it. Two characters bring about a fate worse than their original fate as punishment for trying to cheat fate. The ...

Karla News

Oedipus the King: Tiresias By Sophocles

Supporting characters in plays and other works of literature often play an important role, not only in advancing the storyline, but in revealing things about the other characters. Tiresias in Oedipus the King is no exception. Tiresias serves many roles in the play, among them, his place as a father figure and the “Wise old ...

Karla News

Antigone, a Greek Play by Sophocles

Sophocles’ play Antigone demonstrates how his players are character types representative of certain concepts. The main characters, Antigone and Creon, represent either idealism or pragmatism respectively, and are completely devoid of compromise. Idealism is the act of envisioning things in an ideal form and pursuing that ideal. This concept applies to Antigone, her belief in ...

Karla News

Matthew Arnold’s “Dover Beach”

In the Victorian age, Skepticism was wide-spread. Value systems turned topsy-turvy in the Victorian age. Religious conservatism was waging a desperate crusade against Darwinism and Utilitarianism. Arnold was emotionally attached to the old world, but intellectually inclined towards the new one. His poems reveal the picture of a sick patient in a sick society. “Dover ...

Karla News

E.L. Doctorow’s The Book of Daniel: Justice for All?

“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles” Karl Marx says in his Communist Manifesto (34). Money talks. Everything else can be put aside, the simple and unfortunate truth is that money talks. The common man will always be looking for a way out of his downtrodden or disadvantaged state. ...

Karla News

A Classic Five Paragraph Essay on Oedipus The King

Sophocles’ “Oedipus The King” has been enjoyed by audiences and readers for over two thousand years in part because he so skillfully incorporates symbolism, irony and paradox into the play. Sophocles uses symbolism to help the reader further appreciate the plot of the play. Perhaps the most infamous symbolic act committed in all of literature ...

Karla News

The Tragedy of Oedipus: When the Connections Are Made

Oedipus the King, a Greek play written by Sophocles, tells the tragic life story of King Oedipus. What make the play tragic is not the literal series of events that occurred, but the story and the narration behind the events. Several elements contribute to the difference between Oedipus’s own autobiographical accounts and what others know ...

Karla News

Antigone: Fate or Human Will

The Greek play writer, Sophocles, wrote over 120 plays in his lifetime. Today, only seven of those remain, including the Oedipus trilogy. Oedipus is said to have brought a curse onto his house, and I think that he did. I stand reveled at last- cursed in by birth, cursed in marriage…” (Oedipus ll. 1308-1309). He ...