Articles for tag: Alcoholics Anonymous, New Coke, Sobriety

Karla News

How to Tell If You’re a Dry Drunk

Sometimes when people have been sober for awhile or haven’t had a spiritual awakening within a 12-step program they can fall into what is called being “a dry drunk.” This term is defined as a person who is still very angry, immature, overreactive, over-sensitive; someone who doesn’t take responsibility even after being sober, who still ...

Karla News

Roadside Sobriety Testing for DUI

If you blow a breath test for alcohol that is above the legal limit, a citation for drunk driving is inevitable. But what if you are under the legal blood alcohol limit and the arresting officer writes you a DUI citation anyway. What other tests do police use to decide whether you are impaired? Most ...

Karla News

Alcoholics Anonymous Members and Dating

Being a single heterosexual male and longtime member of Alcoholics Anonymous, I often wonder about the issue of Alcoholics Anonymous members and dating. I usually attend four or five AA meetings each week and truth be told, I do scout the room at each AA meeting that I attend, to see which women are present. ...