Articles for tag: Snow Crash

Karla News

Online Virtual World, Role-Playing Games to Expand in 2009

Imagine a world shaped by the evolution of online gaming, where people leave their homes only in emergencies and conduct the majority of their business and social interactions using digital representations of themselves, or avatars, in massively multi-player, online role-playing games (MMORPGs) and virtual worlds. Science fiction author Neal Stephenson brought to life a fully ...

Karla News

10 Essential Science Fiction Novels

Foundation Isaac Asimov A collection of five short stories make up this novel about scientists who have learned how to accurately predict the future using “psychohistory,” a mixture of mathematics, history, and sociology. Having predicted a coming dark age that can only be shortened, but not avoided, the scientists strive to preserve as much knowledge ...

Karla News

Snow Crash Movie: The Ultimate Cast

Neal Stephenson’s original and imaginative steam punk novel, Snow Crash, has the potential of becoming a box office success were someone to undertake adapting it into a screenplay, but much of the movie’s success would be in the hands of the casting director. Each of Stephenson’s characters call for dedicated, inventive actors who are able ...

Karla News

Immanuel Kant: Views on Religion and Self

The view of self largely depends on a person’s metaphysical beliefs. Some people believe that the body is the one true self, while others believe that the body is composed of different aspects, such as the soul, spirit, and physical body (and yes there is a difference between soul and spirit). Kant’s view of self ...

Karla News

The Complete List of Dystopia Novels

As a lover of dystopia novels, I decided to compile a complete list of all dystopia novels. After several weeks, I realized that the list might never be complete as there is always one more book out there hiding in the back corner of a dimly lit bookshop or a new book just being born, ...

Karla News

Annotation of Snow Crash

The novel Snow Crash depicts a society that is, in ways, similar to our current state of civilization and culture. Hiro is a computer hacker who is introduced in the first chapter of the novel fulfilling his role as “the deliverator.” “The Deliverator has been working this job for six months, a rich and lengthy ...