Articles for tag: Air Purifiers, Benzene, Formaldehyde, Philodendron, Snake Plant

Houseplants: The Best Natural Air Purifiers

Air purifiers have become prevalent after environment studies revealed that indoor air is more polluted as compared to the air outdoors. Since a considerable amount of time is spent indoors, many opt to make use of air purifiers. These devices are mainly advantageous for people afflicted with asthma and allergies. Therefore, freeing the surrounding air ...

Karla News

Exotic Showstoppers – Beautiful Succulents for Indoor Interest

Succulent plants are not only easy to care for but provide a wealth of intriguing shapes and stunning colors. What’s even better is the fact that these exotic showstoppers have the unique ability to grow in some of the most unlikely places. And I bet you thought they were just desert plants. While these exotic ...

Karla News

Hard to Kill Houseplants: Snake Plant

Sanseveria trifasciata is a popular houseplant that even plant lovers with the brownest thumb will find hard to kill. This notoriously hardy houseplant will survive much neglect and really doesn’t need a lot of attention to thrive. Also known as the snake plant or sword plant, the Sanseveria is also referred to unflatteringly as “mother-in-law’s ...

Karla News

Top 10 Easy to Grow Houseplants

Not everyone has a green thumb, and not all houseplants require one. Many houseplants are easy to grow and tolerant of those of us with a thumb that is more black than green. Easy to Grow Houseplant #1 – Sansevieria (also known as Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue) The Snake Plant is at the top ...

Karla News

The “Perfect” House Plant- Mother in Laws Tongue

This hardy low maintenance plant is one of the easiest house plants to have in your home. Its extremely low maintenance and sturdy-so that even absent or forgetful caretakers can still do well with this house plant. Known by the names- snake plant, sword plant or mother in laws tongue this is a popular house ...

The Best 10 Indoor Plants

If you’re a plant lover and want to make your home greener indoors, then consider having several outdoor plants in your household. It adds bright areas to your home and it is said that indoor plants help purify the air in your home. There are several indoor plants that you can buy so it can ...

Karla News

Easy to Grow Tropical House Plants

My love for tropical house plants began a long time ago as a teenager in high school. I took two years of horticulture, which fortunately included lots of “hands on” learning in a greenhouse as well as the classroom. I was hooked for life! I worked in a garden center’s greenhouse caring for their tropical ...

Karla News

Plants You Can’t Kill: Low-Maintenance Houseplants for a Black Thumb

If you are anything like me, gardening was always that mirage you just couldn’t reach. Herb gardens died inexplicably. Seeds never sprouted. House plants died. I came to an uneasy arrangement with my household plants: I avoided them, and they lived. My horticultural grandmothers were likely embarrassed that their granddaughter could not even keep a ...

Karla News

Easy to Grow House Plants for Beginners

Choosing the right plants is the key to success for beginners. You probably don’t want to start right off with Orchids or other tricky plants like that. Here are a few plants that you should be able to grow with beautiful results. You may just find that once you have had a little success, you ...

Karla News

Snake Plant Propagation

The snake plant, Sansevieria trifasciata, is a succulent type of plant that many people throughout the United States grow as a houseplant. It is a native tropical plant of South Africa, but many people know it as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue. Although this plant is rather difficult to propagate, it can be done by following a few ...