Articles for tag: Sleepwalking, Somnambulism, Stages of Sleep

Karla News

Sleepwalking Dangers

As the mother of a child who was a sleepwalker, I can relate to how scary sleepwalking incidents can sometimes be for parents. Most of the time, the child will not have any recollection of his/her sleepwalking episodes and will usually outgrow sleepwalking by the teen years. Sleepwalking tends to be common in young children ...

Karla News

Ambien and Sleepwalking

Nothing is worse than insomnia … or is there? Imagine suddenly waking up from a sound slumber – to find yourself in jail because you caused a car accident and then resisted arrest – all while fast asleep. This is what happened to some people who took the highly touted insomnia medication Ambien or Ambien ...

Five Common Sleep Phenomena

Some of the hardest things for people to understand are the mysteries of the sleeping mind. Sleep in itself is only becoming less mysterious in recent years. Questions like “Why do we sleep?” and “Do we really need sleep?” are finally being answered. However, sleep phenomena still remain very mysterious and can be quite scary ...

Karla News

A Humorous Sleepwalking Story

Sleepwalkers often hear morning-after reports of unusual, and frequently humorous, activities they engage in while sleepwalking. As amusing as the story may be to others, it’s sometimes difficult for a sleepwalker to believe the accusations as there is no memory of the event in question. After all, if one were really doing these odd things, ...

Karla News

Sleepwalking: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Sleepwalking (Somnambulism) is a disorder in which a person walks or engages in other activities while still asleep. Sleepwalking usually occurs during deep non-REM sleep (stage 3 or 4 sleep), but can also occur during light sleep. Sleepwalking is more common in children and teenagers than it does in adults. Most children usually outgrow sleepwalking ...