Articles for tag: CFIDS, CFS, Fibro Fog, Hormonal Imbalances, Sleep Disturbances

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Weight Gain

There are circumstances that can cause people to gain weight that are beyond their control. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia patients find once they become ill they start gaining weight. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disabling illness that causes profound exhaustion, muscle pain, sleep disturbances, cognitive difficulties and hormonal deficiencies and imbalances. Fibromyalgia is a ...

Karla News

The Link Between Depression and Insomnia

The connection between insomnia and depression is revealed through a number of means. Numerous studies have shown that depressed patients improve with better quality sleep. The mechanisms relate to several key neurotransmitter/hormones. The first association between sleep and depression is dopamine and serotonin. These two neurotransmitter/hormones affect moods and the perception of well-being. They also ...

Karla News

Sleep Deprivation a Progressive Problem

Sleep deprivation is a problem for an increasing number of Americans in this 24 hour a day world. Some people do not get enough sleep because they have a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, but many people tend to stay up too many hours during their work or school week, thinking they can make ...

Karla News

Seven Common Causes for Brain Fog

We all jokingly refer to momentary lapses in memory or moments of confused thinking as brain fog in the same light-hearted way we refer to senior moments. However, for many, brain fog can be an overwhelming condition that strikes unexpectedly causing them to experience lack of focus, poor memory and decreased mental acuity. Without attention ...

Karla News

Sleep Deprivation – Causes and Effects

Sleep is essential for the restoration of normal bodily processes and functions. Most people take for granted the necessity of getting sufficient amount of sleep. Poor sleeping habits can cause of sleep disorders which can lead to a poor quality of life. Poor quality of sleep causes lack of concentration, nervousness and irritability. Environmental noise ...

What Causes Restless Leg Syndrome?

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is characterized by the need to move the legs in order to stop uncomfortable sensations in the legs and feet. RLS occurs most frequently in older and middle-aged adults. Stress can make the symptoms of restless leg syndrome worse. The cause for RLS, in most patients is unknown, but it is ...

Karla News

Toddler Night Terrors and Nightmares

No parent likes being woke up in the middle of the night by their toddler crying, especially when those tears are a result of fear. However almost all toddlers have nightmares occasionally and a rare 5% have night terrors. Understanding what causes night terrors and nightmares in toddlers can help prevent or at least lessen ...