Articles for tag: Skyfall

Karla News

Movie Review: ‘Skyfall’ (2012) Starring Daniel Craig as James Bond

To say “Skyfall” is a different direction for James Bond would be quite an understatement. The latest in 007’s adventures is so far removed from the super spy’s typical assignments that it often feels like only a hollow shell of the iconic hero. Series’ staples of exotic locales, sultry vixens, and elaborate action sequences do ...

Karla News

Dame Judi Dench Makes M a Central Character in ‘Skyfall’

“Skyfall” marks Dame Judi Dench’s seventh appearance as MI6 spy master M, and it gives the Oscar winning actress her biggest role yet in the James Bond franchise. Ever since she first appeared as M in “Goldeneye,” the same film which introduced Pierce Brosnan as 007, Dench has made the character a no nonsense leader ...

Karla News

Audiences Rave About “Skyfall”

When actor Daniel Craig signed on to become the next James Bond in the immensely popular Bond film series, the plan was to release one film every two years, beginning with “Casino Royale” in 2006. With the release of “Quantum of Solace” in 2008, all seemed to be going according to plan. Unfortunately, the third ...