Articles for tag: Nature's Miracle, Odor Remover, Short Haircut, Skunk Odor, Skunk Smell

Karla News

A Traumatic Experience: My Dog Got Skunked

My poor dog (Raven) got skunked last night. About 12:30 a.m. I let the dog out before we retired for the night. As soon as he walked out on the porch he spotted something in the yard. He hates cats and likes to chase them out of the yard. I believe he thought it was ...

Karla News

Get Rid of Skunk Odor Easily

Getting rid of skunk odor is a problem; unfortunately, there are very few ways of getting rid of it. If you or a pet have ever been sprayed by a skunk you know what I am talking about, right? Skunk order is extremely hard to get rid of, that is for sure. There are a ...

Karla News

Get Rid of Your Pet’s Skunk Smell

Lately your pet smells like the garbage but he’s been no where near the garbage, well, it’s not the garbage that has gotten your pet it’s a skunk. Your pet came to close to the critter and got sprayed. So how do you get rid of your pet’s awful skunk smell? Here are a few ...

Karla News

6 Nasty Smells Some People Love!

There’s no accounting for taste, or smell, in this case. What smells like a rose to one person may be a potent stench to another. Why is this the case? Why do some people like odors that other people despise? There are variety of theories about this. Some people in the know believe our preference ...

Karla News

Hydrogen Peroxide: Cures and Uses

Consumers across the country are learning there are health cures and hundreds of home uses for hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide has many health remedies, also a trusted alternative to harsh household cleaning products. Due to the ability to kill deadly germs like the swine flu virus, salmonella, botulism and E. coli, Hydrogen Peroxide is trusted ...