Articles for tag: Post Nasal Drip, Pregnancy Symptoms, Skin Tags

Lesser Known Pregnancy Symptoms

When a woman becomes pregnant one of the first steps is to research all the symptoms that one may experience. There a vast amount of resources both online and offline available that describes the most common symptoms of pregnancy. More difficult to find are the more obscure symptoms that woman experience. This article will help ...

Karla News

Homemade Treatments to Get Rid of Skin Tags

My grandmother called them “Hoodles.” In the medical world, they’re referred to as being “Cutaneous Papilloma” or an “Acrochordon.” But you probably know them better as being “Skin Tags.” These small outgrowths of skin can pop up anywhere on your skin. Mainly, you’ll find them on your eyelids, neck, armpits, chest and groin areas. Although ...

Karla News

Skin Tag Removal at Home

Atrocious, icky, and revolting to the point that skin tag removal at home doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Most people want them off now, as fast as possible. Having been called everything from boogers to bats, these little bothersome matters that hang off the body are called “skin tags.” As a matter of fact, ...

Karla News

Review of Green Cream Acne Treatment

This is a powerful formula that has high levels of Retinol. This product does not only affect Acne, but it also works to minimize fine lines, acne scarring, age spots, pigmentation, reduce the size of pores, improve skin tone and restores sun damaged skin. This cream begins by shrinking the size of your pores so ...

Karla News

When a Doctor Should Check Your Moles

Most of us have them, small pigmented cells on our skin that are known as moles. They may appear alone or in clusters. Most moles change a little and size and appearance over the years, and most are harmless. However, there are warning signs that indicate when it is time to have your moles examined ...

Karla News

Manscaping Part 1: The Smooth Look

While the activity of “manscaping” has been in use for centuries (ancient Egyptians and Romans did it too), it is no longer just for actors and models who do it for the sake of appearance. Many men are embracing it for hygienic reasons as well as achieving a more youthful look or to show off ...

Karla News

Facts About Skin Tag Removal

Most skin tabs or skin tags are small, look strange and usually do not hurt. Because of their small size and painlessness, many people think they can remove their own skin tags at home. This can be a dangerous assumption, especially if the skin tags occur on the genitals or eyelids. Do-it-yourself skin tag removal ...

Karla News

PCOS and Skin Tags

When I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome last year, I had no idea that skin tags were part of the diagnosis package. I had all of the classic symptoms – weight gain around the midsection, hirsutism, irregular periods, insulin resistance, acanthosis nigricans, hair coming out in alarming quantities when I shampooed – but skin ...

The Controversy of Bloodroot as a Cancer Cure

The North American perennial Bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis) has become one of the most controversial herbs in today’s society. This small to medium sized plant with it’s spring-blooming flowers of white petals and golden yellow centers has been debated much of late, because of it’s reported cures for certain types of cancers. According to Rodales Illustrated ...