Articles for tag: Cryotherapy, Hyperactive, Skin Disorders

Verneuil’s Disease: Sweat Gland Complications in Women

Women, more commonly than men, experience complications involving skin disorders. For some women, the complications are the result of hyperactive sebaceous glands or hyperactive sweat glands, leading to the development of skin disorders in the most sensitive of places. Many women suffer from a condition known as Verneuil’s disease, a skin disorder commonly associated with ...

Karla News

How Light Therapy can Treat Skin Disorders

While we hear every day, especially in the summer months, about avoiding excessive sunlight and the dangers of skin cancer, it has long been known that certain forms of light and ultra-violet radiation from the sun and man-made devices can actually be beneficial to many different skin disorders. This light therapy has grown in both ...

Skin Breakdown in the Aging Parent

Are you considering a change to your lifestyle? A lifestyle change that involves moving an aging parent into your home? If so, there are a few issues and concerns that every adult child should be familiar with before moving a parent into your home. With varying dependence and activity levels, caring for an aging parent ...

Karla News

Provide Your Itchy Dog with Some Relief

One of the most common and most frustrating health problems experienced by dogs is a skin condition. These conditions are often exacerbated during the summer months, as canines spend more time outside and parasites are more frequent. One of the more frustrating aspects of a dog’s skin condition is that often the exact cause of ...

St. Anthony’s Fire: Erysipelas Skin Disorder

Skin disorders are a complex and highly frustrating health complication for many adults. From complications that are attributed to genetic or hereditary disorders to those that result from sun exposure and bacterial infections, individuals who suffer from skin disorders often find struggle in daily living. One skin disorder that is quite frustrating for the person ...