Articles for tag: Horehound, Menthol, Mullein, Sinus Pain, Sinus Pressure

Review: Zand Menthol Mint Herbal Lozenges

Some of my favorite mint herbal lozenges to suck on to help relief sinus pain and my sore throat when I am sick with a cold is Zand Menthol Mint Herbal Lozenges. They are filled with natural nourishing ingredients that not only help sooth a sore throat and relieve sinus pain, but they also help ...

Karla News

Sinusitis in Cats: Causes and Treatments

Feline sinusitis is when the cat’s sinus linings are inflamed. Symptoms include sneezing or making snuffling sounds, breathing with the mouth open, having blood and/or mucus drip from one or both nostrils, pawing at the face and sometimes holding the head in a strange position because of the pain. The sense of smell is of ...

Karla News

The Top OTC Drugs for Sinus Relief

Sinus pain and pressure are no fun. Blowing out all of that thick mucus isn’t too great either. Yuck! In this article you will find listed the top products to ease that sinus pain and drainage without a prescription. 1. Aleve Cold and Sinus. Stop sinus problems on the run. Aleve Cold and Sinus comes ...

Fibromyalgia and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

If you have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction in addition to your regular fibromyalgia pain, you have pain that shoots through your face, jaw, and neck, a jaw that clicks or pops when you open it, stiff jaw muscles, limited movement or locking of your jaw, and a noted change in the way that the upper ...

Karla News

Relief for Sinus Headaches

  A sinus headache is the result of the sinuses becoming congested or blocked. Sinuses can become blocked for numerous reasons and the headache that accompanies this can be severely painful and could potentially turn into an infection. If you have been suffering with a sinus headache for more than a week you will definitely ...

Treating the Pink Eye; An Overview of Zaditor

Pink eye, also known as allergic conjuctivitis, is a common concern among parents, healthcare professionals and educators througout the school year. Considered a common childhood ailment, pink eye is highly contagious and, when left untreated, can result in significant eye pain and irritation. For many children, the overwhelming irritation, often as a sensation of itching, ...

A Patient’s Guide to BiPAP

What is it Bilevel positive airway pressure or BiPAP for short is a type of noninvasive ventilation support. It is considered noninvasive because a breathing tube is not placed in the airway for use. It helps assist a patient with various type of lung problems including obstructive sleep apnea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. As ...