Articles for tag: Carrie Anne Moss, Silent Hill

Karla News

Silent Hill is Based on a Real Town

Silent Hill was a great horror movie that scared millions of people. It was made into a game first, which millions more people played. Then with the success of the game in 1999, Silent Hill became the movie millions of people have witnessed. What if Silent Hill was a real place, would you go visit ...

Karla News

Centralia, Pennsylvania and Silent Hill

The movie Silent Hill is based on a real town called Centralia, while there are differences between the two the fire is the same for both. Where is Centralia located? The small town of Centralia Pennsylvania was abandoned in the 1980s because of the out of control coalmine fire that began burning in 1962 and ...

Karla News

DVD Review: “Silent Hill: Revelation”

“Silent Hill: Revelation” is one of those films that asks way too much from its audience to be successful. The original film came out six years ago. That’s a long time for regular moviegoers to remember what the first one was about without doing some sort of research. Basically, it asks all its viewers to ...