Articles for tag: Signs of Diabetes, Types of Diabetes

Karla News

5 Natural Ways of Controlling Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease caused by high blood sugar (glucose) level either because there is insufficient production of insulin in human body or the body cells is unable to use the available glucose in the blood stream. As a result of this, the food intake cannot be effectively converted to energy. Insulin is a hormone ...

8 Telltale Symptoms of Diabetes

As incredible as it may seem, most diabetics don’t recognize the telltale signs of the onset of diabetes. To be fair, in the early stages of the disease, the symptoms can be so subtle that it’s only in retrospect that we recognize that they were present long before we were diagnosed with the disease. Generally, ...

Karla News

Pet Diseases: Dog Diabetes – Symptoms and Treatment

Dogs suffer from many of the same ailments that people do: skin irritations, arthritis, cancer, even diabetes. It’s no easier to watch a dog go through these horrible ailments than it is to watch a person, but one ailment that’s definitely treatable in your dog is diabetes. As with people, diabetes can cause all sorts ...

Karla News

How to Tell If Your Dog is Sick

Protecting your dog’s health and well being is important. Unfortunately, your dog can’t tell you when he feels bad and it can sometimes be difficult to tell when your faithful canine is “under the weather”. It’s particularly important, as a good dog owner, to be aware of signs that your dog is experiencing a health ...