Articles for tag: Laparoscopic Surgery, Rectum, Sigmoidoscopy

Causes of Abnormal Anal Bleeding

Most people assume that if they see blood in the toilet, they have hemorrhoids but the truth is, abnormal anal bleeding could be caused by a number of things. Don’t assume that you burst a hemorrhoid or sat on the toilet too long. If your symptoms disappear within a few days, it could just be ...

What is Adenocarcinoma of the Colon?

Cancer, in its many forms is one of the most dreaded diseases in the United States and around the world. Researchers have found that many processed foods, indiscriminate usage of chemicals as fertilizers, pollution in the atmosphere, radiation, and several other factors are contributing to the disease. While in women, most severity is reported from ...

Karla News

The Signs Symptoms and Treatment of Hemorrhoids

The Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of Hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid is a common condition. Fifty to seventy five percent of all Americans develop hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are defined as painful, swollen, inflamed veins located around the anus or lower rectum. They occur due to weakening of the muscles that support the blood vessels in the area. This weakening ...

How I was Treated for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a chronic incurable illness affecting the function of the digestive system. I was first diagnosed with IBS in 2001. My symptoms included bloating, gas, stomach and intestinal cramping, nausea, and alternating constipation and diarrhea. I was no longer able to digest wheat or dairy. I first saw my general ...

Karla News

Considering a Colonoscopy Without Sedation?

Facing the prospects of having a colonoscopy done can cause anxiety and distress over every aspect. For many people the dread can stem from the prospect of being put under sedation. In the United States it is common practice to be administered some type of anesthesia or pain relief for the procedure, but if your ...