Articles for tag: Favoritism, Sibling Rivalries, Sibling Rivalry

Karla News

How to Handle Sibling Rivalry

Children crave attention and approval from their parents. So it is no surprise that problems can arise between siblings when both (or more) children are striving for the same goal. Children also have no choice in their siblings. Personalities and interests may not mesh (and even when they do) being with anyone for large amounts ...

Karla News

Eleven British Slang Words Explained

When you’re having trouble understanding your British friend’s explanation of losing their rucksack in the car park before finding the flat, you’re in need of some slang translation. British slang hasn’t changed much in the past twenty years, confusing Americans more often than not with references that can be completely misunderstood. If you can’t distinguish ...

Karla News

What is Sibling Bullying?

As a parent, it is your responsibility to protect your child from harm. That includes keeping them away from physical harm (such as a hot stove), and psychological harm. One of the most psychologically damaging issues that a child can face is sibling bullying. Sibling bullying is a toxic and unhealthy issue in a family. ...

Karla News

How Parents Create Sibling Rivalry

Causes of sibling rivalries range from the trivial to the odd. Youngsters compare the numbers of home fries on the dinner plate and the sizes of the ice cream scoops received for dessert. Children know if one member of the family receives preferential treatment; and the age gap does not really matter in this pint-sized ...