Articles for tag: Shin Splints

Karla News

How to Care for Shin Splints

Shin splints, which are caused by a weak shin bone and a tight calf muscle, are extremely painful and can continue to damage your body if they aren’t caught early. You can develop shin splints in both legs or in just one and the pain can be excruciating. The most common problem associated with shin ...

Shin Splints and How to Ease the Pain

Back in high school, when I played volleyball it never failed that every season I would end up with shin splints. Within two weeks of volleyball practice, my shins would start getting this shooting pain in them every time I ran or jumped. Now, if you know anything about playing volleyball, jumping is a key ...

Karla News

Causes for Leg Pain

You wake up in the morning, you have leg pain, and late it goes away. You press your leg on the brakes, the pain returns. There are many causes for leg pain, especially pain in the lower leg. If you have occasional pain in the leg, there is nothing to worry about because it can ...

Karla News

Shin Splints – What Are They?

Shin splints can be extremely painful and deter even the most determined individual from participating in their regular exercise routine. There are a variety of reasons for shin splints to occur, as well as ways to get rid of shin splints and prevent shin splints from occurring in the future. What are Shin Splints? Shin ...

Karla News

Five Home Remedies for Shin Splints

Most people associate shin splints with athletes, dancers, or those who work out strenuously. But, while people who do a lot of running (like basketball players, aerobics instructors, and joggers) might be more prone to getting shin splints, you can get shin splints by doing something as simple as walking up a steep hill, especially ...

Karla News

Treating and Avoiding Shin Splints

If you’re a person who keeps in shape by power walking, running or playing sports you probably know what shin splints are. For those of you who don’t know what they are, it’s the tightness that you feel in your shins that can be very painful when you are in the process of doing some ...

Karla News

Helpful Solutions for Shin Splints

Pain in your shins is no laughing matter. You just started a new running routine when you start feeling pain in front of your lower legs which is your shins. It makes it difficult to run, jog, and even for walking. What causes this pain and how can you get rid of it, so you ...