Articles for tag: Binging and Purging, Bulimia, Low Potassium, Self Harm

Karla News

Long Term Effects of Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia affects different organs. And the longer you have bulimia the more organs get affected and damaged. The organs that suffer the most are: heart, kidney, brain, digestive system, bones, skin and endocrine glands. The heart gets damaged from the constant electrolyte imbalances caused by continuous purging and becomes weaker the longer the bulimia continues. ...

Karla News

Coping Strategies to Prevent Self-Injury

One of the hallmark traits of borderline personality disorder is the consistent use of self-injury as a response to stress and associated painful emotions. If you have BPD, you may choose among an array of self-injury methods, but each has the same effect: self-injury causes bodily pain, which simultaneously distracts you from the overwhelming emotional ...

Karla News

Signs Your Child is Becoming an “Emo”

What may seems like a harmless “phase” your child is passing through on their way to adulthood, could really be a way of life they are choosing for themselves – one that can be both dangerous and destructive. In this article, you will learn the meaning of the term “emo,” where the subculture came from, ...

Karla News

Wounding Wilma: Cutters & Self Mutilation, Only a Symptom

I’ve written on Munchausen’s, and have received letters from many asking how could someone hurt a child that way. The flip side of that is the person who hurts himself through self-harm, or as most psychiatrists refer to it, self-mutilation. Let us start off by seeing what Webster’s dictionary has to say about a couple ...

Karla News

Self Mutilation of Adolescent Girls

Self-mutilation is essentially the thorough, intentional, non-suicidal damage or amendment of a person’s own body. Self-mutilation is a disorder that can be described by using many different terms such as self-injury, self-harm, self-injurious behavior syndrome (SIBS), or the deliberate self-harm syndrome. Self-mutilation has been a problem that has existed for a long time. However, it ...