Articles for tag: Self Diagnosis, Tuberculosis

Three Types of Tuberculosis Infection

An abbreviation for Tubercle bacillus, TB is the result of infection with a slow growing, wax-coated acid-fast bacterium that can remain viable in dried aerosol droplets for 8 months. Although few of those infected with the bacteria will actually contract the tuberculosis, it takes only one M. tuberculosis bacterium to start the disease process. Transmission ...

Karla News

Order Your Own Lab Tests

Have you ever wished you could order your own lab tests? It is a little-known fact that individuals are able to order lab tests without a prescription from their doctor. Unless you live in New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts or Rhode Island, you can order medical lab tests from Private MD Labs or other ...

Painless or Silent Migraines

Most of you know what it feels like to have a migraine, but do you ever get the same symptoms with out the head pain? Symptoms like: Aura’s in one or both eyes, nausea, low tolerance for light, odors, or noises, circulatory problems, gastrointestinal woes like constipation, or cramps. Your stomach may even become paralyses ...

Diagnosis Preeclampsia: Pregnant and in Danger

When my doctor called to tell me that, at just shy of my 9 month point, I have preeclampsia and needed to come to the hospital right away, I didn’t really have any questions. We’d discussed the possibility for weeks, and I had done everything I knew to prevent it – which is to say, ...

Karla News

Rounded Shoulders: Self-Diagnosis and an Exercise to Remedy the Problem

The following information has been gathered and compiled over a period of years, through personal experience, while traveling, teaching classes that include T’ai Chi, Qi Gong, herbal information, martial arts and other health related subjects. The article also contains feedback from students and anecdotal information from friends and readers of my columns. The following are ...

Online ADD Testing: Comparison of Two Different Tests

I took an online self-assessment for adult ADD because I have often wondered if I would meet the criteria, but was never tested as a child because my grades did not seem to be affected. This assessment was found at and seemed to be more scientifically based than most online tests I have come ...