Articles for tag: Febrile Seizures, Seizures, Seizures in Children

Karla News

Causes of Childhood Seizures

In youth, a variety of causes can precipitate seizures. This happens often enough that approximately 3% of children have a seizure before the age of 15. Severity of the seizures, including the cause, can help determine the type of treatment that is necessary. While the majority of seizures in children are caused by fever (febrile ...

Karla News

Absence Seizures: Symptoms and Treatment

A typical picture of a seizure usually brings to mind a Grand-Mal. Absence seizures are more subtle and described as “blanking out”, “staring” or having “lapses of awareness”. Pronounced (ab-Sawntz) also called Petit-Mal. To an onlooker, it would appear as if the person is daydreaming. It was Louis-Florentin Calmeil (1798 – 1895), who coined the ...

Karla News

Alternative Methods for Seizure Control

For the millions of people who have epilepsy, or a childhood seizure disorder, there are many anti-convulsant medications available to control seizures. However, a lifetime on medication, or on high doses of several medications, to control seizures is something that troubles many. Like most medications, medications to control seizures have side effects that can be ...

Is Epilepsy a Mental Illness?

Despite efforts to dispel the common myths and stigma associated with epilepsy, many otherwise-educated people believe that it is a form of psychosis or other psychiatric illness. This very common misconception ultimately results from two factors: epilepsy can mimic the symptoms of mental illness, and the effects of prolonged seizures can create emotional disturbances. When ...

Karla News

Focal or Mini Seizures in Dogs

  “Rena, look! He’s doing it again!” called Mom. I looked up from reading to see Hugo, our powderpuff Chinese crested, nodding his head shakily again and again for seemingly no reason. He then stopped and acted as if nothing peculiar had happened (in other words, he began begging for a treat.) In the 13 ...

The Five Major Causes of Dog Seizures

Witnessing a beloved dog experiencing a seizure can be both heartbreaking and frightening. Many pet owners are unprepared for this event and may not know how to handle it. The most important thing to remember is to stay calm and collected. Quickly move any furniture or other objects that may cause injury to your dog ...

Karla News

What Causes Nocturnal Seizures?

Nocturnal seizures are a type of seizure activity that takes place during the hours of sleep. Nocturnal seizures occur when the person is sleeping or when drowsy. These seizures usually occur minutes before waking up, or just after waking. Nocturnal seizures can also occur when the person is sleeping during the day. Most people who ...

Karla News

Defining Epilepsy

Defining epilepsy isn’t easy as epilepsy comes in all kinds of different configurations. Epilepsy is a seizure disorder that involves a pattern of at least two seizures whose cause is unrelated to a known medical condition. The word epilepsy is a broad term for a vast variety of different types of seizures. When I first ...