Articles for tag: angie's list, Dental Work, Healthy Smile, Obgyn, Second Trimester

Karla News

Having Dental Work Done While Pregnant

According to a poll on Wellsphere’s Dental Health Community, more than 50% of people are sometimes afraid to go to the dentist. This fear can understandably increase when the dental patient-to-be is pregnant. There seems to be a lot to worry about when it comes to going to the dentist while pregnant. Infections, X-rays, and ...

Dental Work During Pregnancy

According to the American Dental Association, seeing a dentist is generally considered safe and even recommended. Routine dental cleanings are important and you should see your dentist for a check-up every six months, including pregnant women. There are some cases in which you should proceed with caution and it is recommended to avoid any unnecessary ...

What to Expect During the Second Trimester of Pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy, which lasts from weeks fourteen to twenty-seven, is for many pregnant women the most exciting and the easiest trimester of pregnancy. Morning sickness has usually begun to fade and for many is completely gone by a few weeks into the second trimester. Mothers-to-be may feel more energetic and optimistic as ...