Articles for tag: Sean Taylor

Karla News

Addressing the Washington Redskins 2008 Offseason

The Washington Redskins had a promising start to the 2007 NFL season, but after going 5-3, the team lost four games in a row. But more importantly, they lost a teammate, friend, and human being in Sean Taylor who was murdered during a break in to his Florida last November. That tragedy took a toll ...

Karla News

Did Sean Taylor Know His Killer?

“If death comes, it comes.” Those were the words spoken from Sean Taylor himself at a September conference. His death has rattled the nation. The Washington Redskins lost a valuable football player. A little girl is now without a father. Sean Taylor’s death is under investigation. There are too many circumstances surrounding his death. The ...

2008 NFL Playoff Bracket Predictions

(6) Washington at (3) Seattle The Redskins have played inspired football after Sean Taylor’s tragic death and backup QB Todd Collins has stepped in and done better than anyone expected him to do. But they face a tough task in traveling to Seattle to play a Seahawks team that is playoff-tested and always plays well ...