Articles for tag: Picasso, Sculpture

Karla News

Chicago’s Free Art: Sculpture in the City

The sculpture collection Chicago has acquired adds to its uniqueness and charm. Many of the newest additions are a direct result of the Percent for Art Program in Chicago where one percent of new constructions costs must go to acquiring art. The following sculptures are in the heart of the city and easily found and ...

Karla News

Create a Driftwood Sculpture

If you have ever walked along a riverbank or sea shore and seen a piece of driftwood that looked like art, did you wish you knew how to turn it into a driftwood sculpture? The process is easy and enjoyable, and there are a few ways to go about it, depending on the type of ...

Karla News

How to Make Latex Ice Sculpture Molds for Wedding or Party

Do you like those pretty ice sculptures at weddings and want to know how to make your own ice sculpture molds? Here is how it is done: Items: Fun shaped item. (See below) Liquid Latex and Paint Brush Gauze Aluminum Foil Box of Packing Peanuts (optional) Water Step One: Find a hard toy, vase, door ...

Karla News

How to Choose a Unique Wedding Ice Sculpture

Wedding ice sculptures are becoming an increasingly popular trend lately. However, if you have been to a wedding where there were ice sculptures, you may have noticed that many couples choose the same type of common themes. Swans, hearts, doves and angels are all some very common wedding ice sculpture choices. If you want to ...

Karla News

David: A Review of the Sculpture by Gianlorenzo Bernini

The sculpture is a by Gianlorenzo Bernini, who was greatly influenced by his father, Pietro Berninin, and is titled David. It was created in 1623 and was made of marble. The life-size, representational sculpture can be found in the Galleria Borghese in Rome. The sculpture is fully three-dimensional and is created by carving. Bernini’s use ...