Articles for tag: Diplomats, Roman Empire, Scipio

Karla News

The Ancient Art of Diplomacy: A Weapon of the Medieval and Ancient Arsenal

As an American citizen, it’s impossible to watch the news without hearing some kind of reference to diplomacy – be it Barack Obama’s promise to meet America’s enemies in his first year of presidency, Hillary Clinton’s chastising of that naivety, or calls for discussion with Iran and North Korea on their nuclear weapons programs, and ...

Karla News

Book Review: Ross Leckie’s Hannibal

Hannibal was among the greats of ancient military history, the equal of Caesar and surpassed only by Scipio and Alexander. It is a tragedy that a novel as poor as this bears his name. Ross Leckie’s first mistake is to try and compress Hannibal’s expansive career into a work of less than 300 pages. This ...

Karla News

How Roman Men Got Their Names

Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian Augustus Germanicus Caligula – yes that’s all one person, and you’ve probably more than one time in your life seen one of these monstrously sized Roman names and asked yourself, “What exactly does it mean?” In the United States and most of Western Culture we have three basic names that are ...