Articles for tag: Cruel and Unusual, Death Penalty, Scalia, Texas Death Row, The Death Penalty

Karla News

Is the Death Penalty Cruel and Unusual?

The constitution and the bill of rights guarantee’s that as American’s we cannot be punished if that punishment is considered cruel and unusual. However, who defines what is cruel and unusual? A lot of American’s feel that the death penalty is cruel and unusual. That feeling is even stronger when you ask the rest of ...

Karla News

Vernonia V. Acton – Invasions of Privacy

The use of illicit drugs has persistently been a problem among minors. This problem especially began to grow during the mid to late 1980’s. It was during this time that school officials in Vernonia, Oregon realized that drug use and disciplinary actions resulting from it, was a growing problem among the student body-especially student athletes. ...