Articles for tag: Scales, Snakeskin

Karla News

What is the Reason for a Snake’s Scales? Snakeskin Demystified

A snake’s skin is a fascinating thing. Is made up of two parts, each with multiple functions. The first part is the interstitial skin. This is the thin, stretchable part of the skin that is covered by the scales in most snake species. This part of the snakes skin allows the snake to expand its ...

Karla News

Scales Around the Circle of Fifths

No matter what type of music someone wants to play, one of the most important things to learn is the major scale in every key. A second thing to learn is the circle of fifths. The most common progression of keys is to go from one key to another key one fifth apart, such as ...

Is it Seborrheic Dermatitis or Psoriasis?

Chronic dandruff is often called by a scalp condition, such as seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis. If you are constantly experiencing a dandruff problem, you may be wondering if either of these conditions could be affecting you. How can you tell the difference between seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis, however? Here are some of the things that ...

Doll House Scales: Getting it Done Right

One of the trickiest things to get down when you first start miniature work is scale. What do all those numbers mean, and more importantly how can you decorate your house or room box without it all being out of proportion? First, let’s define the common scales and their doll house ratio to the real ...

Karla News

Analysis: Debussy’s “Violes”

Claude Debussy, now known for his experimental and influential compositions, was breaking free of traditional methods even at a young age. A pupil at the Paris Conservatory for 12 years beginning at the age of 11, Debussy was “a little backward in the rudiments” that were taught. Though he was heavily impacted by Wagner at ...

Karla News

Why All Musicians Should Practice the Major Scales

“Why is it so important to learn how to play & master musical scales?” After more than 20 years of being a private music instructor I can’t count the number of times I’ve been asked this question, or a close derivation of it, both by parents and students. After all, practicing scales can be tedious, ...