Articles for tag: Santa Clarita, Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities in Santa Clarita, California

Volunteering can open many doors for an individual. You can learn new skills that you could apply to future jobs. If you’ve been feeling a little lonely, then maybe you should try your hand at volunteering. Volunteering allows you to help your community, plus you’ll be meeting new people and any one of them could ...

Karla News

Ju-Jitsu Lessons in Santa Clarita California

The Santa Clarita Valley has a wealth of high-quality martial arts studios and instructors of all types. A lesser known fact is that it is home to outstanding Ju- Jitsu instruction. Ju-Jitsu’s history is lost in mythology and legend, and very little is known about its actual origins. What is known is that it is ...

Karla News

Senior Citizen Homes in Los Angeles, California

With so many baby boomers retiring soon, there is going to be a great need in the coming years for senior citizen homes. Although most people prefer to keep close eyes on their elderly loved ones, the busy schedule of today’s working people makes it hard if not impossible, to truly provide the needed care ...

Karla News

Best Parks in Santa Clarita, California

One of the benefits of living in Santa Clarita, California is the vast amount of parks in the area. There are over twenty-five parks. Here are some of my favorites. Pamplico Park This park is located near James Foster Elementary School on Pamplico Drive in Saugus. If you want a park that is not crowded, ...