Articles for tag: Diabetic Recipes, Fish Recipes, Recipes for Diabetics, Salt Substitutes

Karla News

Vegetarian Diabetic Recipes

Type 2 diabetes tops the health risk charts in consumer nations. With obesity and sedentary lifestyle rates skyrocketing, is there hope for Type 2 diabetes? Yes — a vegetarian diet. Here are recipes for vegetarian diabetics. Although these recipes are vegetarian, fish recipes are included. Many vegetarians include fish in their diet. Fish contains large ...

Karla News

Can’t Lose Those Last Few Pounds? Ditch the Diet Soda

Millions of Americans, whether actively dieting or simply calorie conscious consume diet soda with the assumption that fewer calories will keep those extra pounds off yet many come to the fast realization that despite avoiding those hundreds of extra calories a day, the scales are not changing for the better. The key to jumpstarting stagnant ...

Homemade Treatments for Water Retention (Edema)

The human body is made up of 75% water. Water is so vital to our health, that, we can only live about three days without it. However, too much water stored inside our bodies can be detrimental to our health as well. The common symptoms of water retention are a distended stomach, bloated legs and ...

Karla News

Diet and Nutrition for Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a condition which occurs when your kidneys are damaged and lose their ability to keep your body healthy. When your kidneys do not work right, waste builds up in your body and makes you sick. There are things you can do to slow or stop damage to your kidneys, including changes in ...

Karla News

How Safe Are Salt Substitutes?

As all Americans may know an important key to healthy eating is choosing foods lower in salt and sodium. Now due to a fast pace society most people consume more salt than needed. The current recommendation is to consume less than 2.4 grams (2400 miligrams) of sodium a day. That equal 6 grams (about 1 ...

Should You Use a Salt Substitute?

There’s little doubt that Americans eat too much salt. The American Heart Association recommends that Americans get no more than 2,300 mg. of sodium daily which translates into one teaspoonful of salt. Even if you don’t shake the salt shaker, most processed foods are loaded with sodium and those milligrams of sodium can add up ...

Karla News

Lisinopril for the Heart

Several drugs have been explored to control my blood pressure. Some have been beta-blockers and others ACE inhibitors. Beta-blockers are also known as beta-adrenergic antagonists, beta-adrenergic blocking agents and beta antagonists. Beta-blockers do exactly what the name implies. It keeps epinephrine or nonrepinephrine from adhering to a nerve’s beta-receptors in order to prevent a heart-related ...

How to Spice Up a Low-Sodium Diet

While salt, which helps regulate the fluids in our body, is an essential in our diets, there are times when excessive sodium needs to be regulated or eliminated when it causes the body to retain too much fluid. High-blood pressure or heart disease are two such conditions which force individuals to eliminate sodium from their ...