Articles for tag: Airbags, Audi A3, Safest Cars, Vehicle Safety

Karla News

5 of the Safest Cars for 2011

Since 1978, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has provided consumers with automotive safety ratings based on a variety of crash criteria. The Five Star rating system was designed to give consumers informed choices so that market forces would drive vehicle safety improvements, as opposed to forcing safety standards by regulation. Nevertheless, safety standards are ...

Karla News

Top 5 Safest Cars in America

Before buying a new car many factors come into play when deciding on the best model for you and your family. One of the most important factors that come into play when purchasing a new vehicle is safety. The government provides crash test ratings that provide clear details on the safety of the vehicle you’re ...

Karla News

Best SUVs for Dog Owners

Some dogs are just too macho (and they don’t need to be boys) to ride around in a sad little subcompact car with an engine that sounds like a wheezing cat-on second thought dogs might actually enjoy that. As SUVs are the modern day station wagon there are countless dogs out there that use them ...

Karla News

Safest Cars to Buy for 2011

Safety is always a concern for families who need reliable transportation. The 2011 models haven’t gone through any official crash test ratings yet but there are some signs of cars that will be the safest in 2011. Here are my picks for some of the safest cars for the 2011 model year. Hyundai Sonata U.S. ...

Karla News

2010’s Safest Cars

Every year the federal government and independent groups like the Insurance Institute for Highway safety test hundreds of vehicles to determine which ones are the safest for us and our families and friends. Among those hundreds of vehicles, only a few rate at the highest safety levels across the board. When vehicles are safety-tested, they’re ...