Articles for tag: Appendicitis, Medical Emergency, Rupture

Symptoms and Treatment of Acute Appendicitis

Appendicitis is an inflammation and infection of the appendix. The appendix is a small pouch extending from the first part of the large intestine. The large intestine in this region is known as the cecum. Appendicitis is reasonably common, happening in approximately 1 out of every 500 people each year. The peak incidence of appendicitis ...

Frequency of Following Small Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

If you’ve been diagnosed with a small abdominal aortic aneurysm, your physician will apply a “watchful waiting” approach, which includes regular imaging of the condition to see if the diseased portion of the artery grows in size. The latest investigation (a meta-analysis) reveals that the smallest abdominal aortic aneurysms often do not seem to get ...

Patellar Tendon Rupture Surgery and Rehabilitation

This article is intended to inform you or someone you know with the healing process of a patellar tendon rupture. The information provided is written from knowledge acquired from my own recovery from a bi-lateral (both knees) patellar tendon rupture. A patellar tendon rupture is; a full tear of the tendon that holds your knee ...

Karla News

What Causes Bleeding from the Ear Canal?

Earaches are a common symptom that usually indicates an ear infection. They may cause a great deal of discomfort, but usually resolve even without treatment over a five to seven day period. On the other hand ear pain associated with bleeding from an ear canal is usually the sign of a more serious condition ‘” ...

Karla News

What Can Be Done for Brain Aneurysms?

A brain aneurysm is an unusual bulging out of the wall of the blood vessel that carries blood to the brain. The blood pressure within an aneurysm may cause can cause a brain aneurysm to rupture. Aneurysms of the blood vessels in the brain are fairly common. Many people are walking around with aneurysms and ...

Karla News

Our Experience with Appendix Rupture: What You Should Know

One Thursday afternoon, my husband pulled in the driveway early from work. He said that he was sick and that they sent him home. I didn’t think anything of it, because our children had been vomiting that week themselves, so I just assumed he had contracted the flu from our kids. He went straight to ...