Articles for tag: Rosacea

Useful Tips for Rosacea Sufferers

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition known to cause moderate to severe redness to the facial skin of its sufferers. President Bill Clinton and legendary comedian W.C. Fields both have/had it and it tends to be more common than we think. Rosacea tends to start out as frequent flushing, quite like blushing or light sunburn ...

Karla News

Skin Care Tips for Rosacea Sufferers

In a recent Canadian survey, 2,500 rosacea patients were asked, and 80% said that they wanted to know how to take care of their skin. Nearly 50% revealed that they only use water to clean their skin. Mainly because they tended to avoid other products for fear it will worsen their already bad symptoms. Below ...

Karla News

Rosacea: Chronic Dermatitis of the Face

Are you 30 older and wondering why you still have acne? Maybe it isn’t acne. Those acne-like-pimples may be Rosacea. What exactly is Rosacea? It is “A chronic dermatitis of the face, especially of the nose and cheeks, characterized by a red or rosy coloration, caused by dilation of capillaries, and the appearance of acne ...

Karla News

Finacea: A Lesser-Known Rosacea Treatment

If you’ve been searching for an effective rosacea treatment, but haven’t had any luck with metronidazole or zinc-based creams and gels, Finacea might be for you. Finacea, made by Intendis, is a 15% azelaic acid prescription gel designed to treat both the redness and bumps caused by rosacea. This water-based gel is fragrance-free and alcohol-free, ...

Karla News

The Signs and Symptoms of Ocular Rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition associated with redness and pustules that can affect both facial skin and the eyes. The condition, when associated with the skin, is called acne rosacea and where the eyes are affected is called ocular rosacea. The symptoms of acne rosacea is red and flushed skin, dry flaky skin, increase ...

Causes, Symptoms and Known Triggers of Rosacea

A common skin condition that many of us suffer from is Rosacea. It is a long term chronic skin condition that is incurable but treatments are available to keep the symptoms at bay. People suffering from Rosacea can also stay away from the symptoms by avoiding the known triggers. Rosacea mainly affects the face and ...