Articles for tag: German Shepherds, Gsd, Rin Tin Tin, Search and Rescue Dogs

Karla News

German Shepherd Dog Breed Characteristics

One of the most popular dog breeds in the world is the German shepherd, sometimes known as the GSD for short. In the UK, they are called Alsatians, after the area in France where they originally were bred by German dog breeders. The first GSDs were whelped around 1882. For such a ubiquitous dog breed, ...

Karla News

Expensive or Cheap 1920s Wedding Favors

After some detailed searching on the Internet I have come across some really interesting ideas for a 1920’s wedding as far as the wedding favors go. The 1920’s was a time of dancing and movies were very exciting for people then. Women wore more exciting clothing and loved to go out dancing. Lately, people have ...

Karla News

Best Movie Dog Ever: Daisy in the Blondie Series

Almost everybody knows the name Lassie. A good portion of those people are also familiar with Benji. And there is still a sizable chunk of those people who know Rin-Tin-Tin. But guess what? None of those illustrious canine stars are deserving of the title of Best Movie Dog Ever. The movie dog with the greatest ...