Articles for tag: Rh Factor

The GenoType Diet Review

The premise of The GenoType Diet is that we can change the effect that our genetic make-up has on our health and weight. Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo divides people into six body types according to their genetic make-up. The GenoType Diet plans are then formulated based on a person’s genotype. Deciding which of three Genotype ...

Karla News

Blood Transfusions and the Rh Factor

In 1994 I had a home-birth, but there were complications. My placenta completely retained and would not release from the uterus. I then began to hemorrhage; I kept passing out, and I thought for sure that I was probably going to die. By the time I made it to the hospital I had lost a ...

Rh Factor: The Implications on Pregnancy

In pregnancy, there are a variety of medical tests required to ensure the most optimal health of both mother and baby. Of these test, blood typing is necessary to determine not only the blood type of the mother but also the Rh factor of the mother’s blood. As either postive or negative, a mother’s Rh ...

Karla News

Understanding Your Blood Type

You might be a card-carrying member of your local blood donation group; but do you really understand what your blood type is? Do you know where your blood goes after you’ve donated it for the greater good? And more importantly, do you know what kind of blood you would receive if you were to need ...

Karla News

How to Give Blood for Money

Many people are turned off by the idea of selling anything from a human body for money. This aversion carries over to blood and blood products. However, if it were not for the willingness of many to either donate or sell their blood, a lot of people who are alive today would not be. Some ...