Articles for tag: Aspirin, Reye's Syndrome

Karla News

The Dangers of Aspirin

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid or ASA) is quite possibly the miracle drug of the 20th century. First created in 1853 by a French chemists named Charles Frederic Gerhardt, and patented in 1899 by Bayer, aspirin’s three main uses are for fever reduction, heart attack and stroke prevention, and relieving minor aches and pains, including muscle aches, ...

Fever and the Immune System

The baby is crying and a little fussy, and Sue doesn’t quite know what to do to comfort her. She reaches over to pat her back, and then pick her up. The baby is quick to seek the breast not only to gain nourishment, but to seek emotional comfort from her mother. Sue realizes that ...

Chicken Pox Home Remedy

An outbreak of Chicken Pox is not as common as it used to be as many children are vaccinated now. However, even a vaccinated child can develop a case of chicken pox. Chicken Pox Home remedies can help reduce the itching and leave pox areas less scarred after the outbreak is over. These home remedies ...

Karla News

Using White Willow Instead of Aspirin

Americans consume a lot of aspirin every year to alleviate all kinds of pain from headaches to the pain of arthritis. Some people, however, find that aspirin can upset their stomachs. White willow might be a good alternative, since it is not quite as potent — thought still effective — and really only seems to ...

Karla News

Homemade Cures for Children with the Chicken Pox Virus

Statistics & Facts On Chicken Pox Chicken Pox infects about three million children under the age of 15 each year. An infected child is contagious for one or two days before the rash appears and remains contagious until all of the lesions have dried up, which takes approximately five days. Children between the ages of ...

Karla News

Do Not Give Your Child Aspirin for Fever or Flu Symptoms

Reye’s s syndrome is sudden (acute) brain damage (encephalopathy) and liver function problems of unknown causes. Reye’s syndrome is a rare and life-threatening condition that usually affects people from infancy through young adulthood. Although no age group is immune, Reye’s syndrome occurs mostly in children 4-12. Most cases associated with chicken pox have been shown ...