Articles for tag: Reverse Osmosis

Karla News

Salt Water Fish Tank Part Three: Rock, Sand, and Water

You have your tank and you have it where you want it. Now it’s time to put the rock, water, and sand in it. This is the easiest part of everything. You don’t have to get all your rock at once. And unless you have a ton of money to put into your saltwater tank, ...

Fresh Juices: A Remedy for Kidney and Bladder Infections

The following information has been gathered and compiled through personal experience while traveling, teaching T’ai Chi, Qi Gong, Chinese Herbal medicine, martial arts and other health related subjects. The article also contains feedback from students and anecdotal information from readers of my columns. The following are my opinions and deductions from those sources.. If you ...

Karla News

Home Water Filtration Systems

Water covers 70% of this planet; furthermore you are comprised of about 70% of water. For something so abundant we sure do spend a lot of money on large jugs and convenient single serving plastic bottles. Buying a water filtration system will save you tons of money while reducing your plastic waste and shrinking your ...

Karla News

Dasani Versus Aquafina

Now most of you might think that water is water. But to millions of people, different brands of bottled water aren’t the same. Aquafina and Dasani are both made by two rival companies who have a longstanding feud. Perhaps you’ve heard of them – Pepsi and Coke. Aquafina was the first bottled water available for ...

Tips for Installing a Water Purifier

We recently installed a new water purifier into our home. It is a simple apparatus that mounts under your sink and utilizes cartridges to help give you clean drinking water. Here are ten tips to help anyone do this project easily and quickly. You will need to have wrenches, tubing cutter, drill with bits, and ...

Karla News

Setting Up a Basic Saltwater Aquarium

If you are interested in setting up a saltwater aquarium here is a basic list of materials you should have. However, in order to have a health aquarium things such as a protein skimmer should be invested in. 1. Glass aqarium. The brand or size is totally up to your preference. Petco sells cheap, basic ...