Articles for tag: Residence Permit, Work Permit, Work Visa

Karla News

How to Get a Residency Permit and Citizenship in Germany as an American

German citizenship can only be applied for once you have gotten a residence permit and been a full-time German resident for 8 consecutive years. You must also meet the following qualifications to obtain German citizenship: a valid Aufenthaltserlaubnis or Aufenthaltsberechtigung residency permit, a livelihood guarantee of you and your dependants without recourse to social welfare ...

Karla News

Getting Permanent Residence in the United Kingdom: An Expat’s Guide

If you have been living and working in the United Kingdom, or UK, for a while then chances are pretty good that you are interested in gaining permanent residency in the United Kingdom. When you get permanent residence, which is sometimes referred to as settlement, you get the right to stay in the United Kingdom ...

Karla News

Getting Married in Virginia

I often receive calls from people curious about whether they can be married in Virginia. The answer is yes. If the applicant for marriage is over the age of eighteen (18) years, free to marry, and has a valid form of identification, then there is no reason the applicant cannot be married in Virginia, even ...