Articles for tag: Lumbar Support, repetitive stress injuries, Rsi

Karla News

Tackling Computer Related Health Problems

Regular use of computer can lead to several health problems. These days most of us are required to sit in front of the computer for long periods due to the computer-related jobs. Maintain certain postures for a long time, causes repetitive stress injuries (RSI) over a period. Many techniques and postures reduce the harmful forces ...

Buying Guide to Lap Desks

If you are tired of trying to balance your laptop on your knee, or if you just want to write in your favorite chair, a lap desk is a great solution. A good lap desk is more than just a simple piece of wood. It is a piece of furniture with real function that can ...

The Schwinn 418 Elliptical: Preventing Stress Injuries

For most, the name “Schwinn” is synonymous bicycles, but did you know that Schwinn produces the 418 Elliptical cross trainer? Low Impact, High Intensity At first glance, the Schwinn 418 Elliptical looks somewhat like a ski machine, and more like a stair machine. Take a closer look at the 418 in action, and you see ...

Karla News

Choosing the Right Graphics Tablet

Graphics tablets are most popular among designers, and those working in creative fields: digital painters, engineers, web designers, photographers. A graphics tablet frees it’s user from the mouse, which feels unnatural when compared to real media. The ability to design with ease improves accuracy, and allows the user to work more efficiently. These days, you ...

Karla News

The Benefits of a Stand Up Desk at Work

Thomas Jefferson, Donald Rumsfeld, Ernest Hemmingway, Winston Churchill, and many others have spent their working hours on their feet. Today, more people make a stationary living than ever before. The computer age has given rise to a truly sedentary lifestyle, as the work traditionally done by craftsmen and laborers has been automated or eliminated. With ...

Living with Degenerative Disc Disease

Living with Degenerative disc disease Approximately 90% of Americans are treated by a physician for some sort of back pain related to the onset of degenerative disc disease. The vertebrae are held fast with ligaments, tendons and muscles, and between them are the discs that are designed to be shock absorbers to prevent the bones ...

Karla News

Run Your Best 5K or 10k Race This Year

As a competitive distance runner I was always searching for a “magic bullet” to make myself faster at the 5K and 10K distances. While I never ran world class times, I did discover a couple “tricks” that worked to produce times that were in the top 1% nationally with a 14:45 for 5K and a ...

Karla News

New Hardware Technologies Promote Telecommuting

Desktop computer – a personal computer designed to be set up on a desk or table and used in that place for an extended period of time. Laptop computer – a flat screen, battery powered portable computer that you can rest on your lap PDA personal digital assistant – a pocket sized computer used to ...