Articles for tag: Computer Chair, Orthopedics, Repetitive Stress

Karla News

Beware of Your Tail

Coccyx pain or tailbone pain is very extreme and uncomfortable. So when ever one gets coccyx pain that is extreme lower back pain or also known as tailbone immediately consult an orthopedics. Swelling on the lower back or tailbone area or coccyx, which placed between the buttocks, is called coccydynia. What are the symptoms of ...

The Schwinn 418 Elliptical: Preventing Stress Injuries

For most, the name “Schwinn” is synonymous bicycles, but did you know that Schwinn produces the 418 Elliptical cross trainer? Low Impact, High Intensity At first glance, the Schwinn 418 Elliptical looks somewhat like a ski machine, and more like a stair machine. Take a closer look at the 418 in action, and you see ...

Karla News

The Benefits of a Stand Up Desk at Work

Thomas Jefferson, Donald Rumsfeld, Ernest Hemmingway, Winston Churchill, and many others have spent their working hours on their feet. Today, more people make a stationary living than ever before. The computer age has given rise to a truly sedentary lifestyle, as the work traditionally done by craftsmen and laborers has been automated or eliminated. With ...

Karla News

Rolfing Practitioners in Cape Cod and the Islands, Massachusetts

Rolfing is the practice of massaging and manipulating the connective tissues of the body to promote harmony and structural balance in the body, to increase flexibility, and to decrease pain. Due to the effects of injuries, repetitive stress, and continual physical changes to the body caused by gravity, the fascia that envelopes and connects every ...

Karla News

What Are Stress Fractures?

What are Stress Fractures? Stress fractures are considered an overuse injury occurring when the muscles become overtired and less capable of absorbing shock from high-impact sports. The muscles become fatigued and eventually transfer the excess stress to the bone and ultimately cause tiny cracks or fractures. Stress fractures usually occur at the second and third ...

Karla News

A Guide to Sitting Ergonomically Correct

These days many of us are spending countless hours in front of our computers. For some it’s because they use a computer all day long at their job. For others it’s because they spend all their free time typing email messages and using instant messenger. For seven years I have taught keyboarding and other computer ...