Articles for tag: Laws of Motion, Rene Descartes, Samuel Johnson

Karla News

The Age of Reason: What was it and What Did it Mean to Mankind?

The period of time between 1600 and 1700 is often referred to as A Period of Enlightenment or The Age of Reason. It was called that because it became a time when mankind began to question not only “how” something worked but also “why” it worked that way and “who” was at the controls. It ...

Karla News

Driving Ideas of the Philosophes Movement.

The Philosophes were a group of eighteenth century French Enlightenment thinkers who believed in three central ideas: progress, Deism, and tolerance. The Philosophes focused on progress; they wished to understand the world around them and overcome social injustices. Deism, making sure religion is reasonable and acknowledging the fact that science and nature are completely different ...

Karla News

For Philosopher Rene Descartes, Life is but a Dream in His Meditation 1

Descartes undertakes an arduous task in his attempt to, “…establish anything firm and lasting in the sciences (The Meditations…).” In order to construct a foundation of the sciences, The Meditations on First Philosophy displays Descartes skepticism challenging all beliefs made to be knowledge. Two arguments propose the possibility that “all …(Descartes’) opinions are false,” and ...

Karla News

Thomas Jefferson’s Philosophy and the Declaration of Independence

In the beginning, independence rose to the forefront of philosophical inquiries into the “Natural Rights” of man. The theories of ‘Natural Rights’ came into fruition before Thomas Jefferson authored the ‘Declaration of Independence’. God’s creation of man is viewed by some as the starting point of man’s ‘Natural Rights‘. Not one of us can claim ...

Karla News

Empiricism and Psychology

Empiricism is a mode of expertise, which typically involves observation and experimentation. Historically empiricism traces its roots back to the 17th century, a time, that gave rise to numerous discoveries and innovations (Schultz & Schultz, 2008). Rene Descartes believed that understanding or knowing was in theory how one perceives their own environment an assertion whichseems ...

Your Perception is Your Reality

Perception is defined as: “the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information.” This sensory information is your mental processing going on in your mind which determines what your perception of reality is. Perception is usually done in two phases: internal perception, and also external perception. So how these thoughts are processed when they ...