Articles for tag: Acetone, Easy Off, Paint Thinner, Remove Paint, Removing Paint

How to Remove Paint from Plastic Easily

Removing paint off plastic can be a tough job. Depending on the plastic and paint you are working with, it can be a relatively simple to remove. Provided are tips and tricks to use to get the job done quickly and efficiently. This is a no-sweat guide to remove minor areas of paint from plastic. ...

Karla News

Safely Remove Paint From Bricks

What is the best way to remove paint drips on brick? Pressure washing? Sand Blasting? Paint Remover? Liquid or Gel? Dried paint can be removed from brick exteriors, but some of the ways recommended are too harsh, and not suitable for older brick homes. The two options usually recommended are sandblasting and power-washing the bricks ...

Remove Paint from Carpet

Getting rid of dried up, old paint stains from your carpet is easier than you think. Even paint stains that are over a year old can be easily removed with the right products and a little elbow grease. Recently my husband spilled a whole gallon of light, almost white, blue paint in the middle of ...

Removing Paint from Difficult Surfaces

While paint can easily help protect the majority of building materials from decay and weatherization, paint can also ruin a lot of great materials natural surfaces. When paint is basted on beautiful brick, plastered on plastic or slathered on steel, it can be difficult at best to remove all of the paint to get the ...

How to Remove Varnish from Wood

You just found the find of the century at the local swap meet. A great piece of furniture that just looks a little worn. All it needs is a bit of tender loving care, and a new coat of varnish. But you need to get rid of the tired old varnish that is still there. ...

Karla News

How to Get Paint Out of Carpet

No matter how many drop cloths you use to protect the carpet, you may still encounter paint drips or spills while painting. They may occur when the drop cloth has shifted, or when you are in the process of relocating your supplies. Regardless, it is a frustrating, but not hopeless, dilemma. Here are several tricks ...

Karla News

How to Remove Crayon Marks

All children seem to end up drawing on the walls of their home at one time or another. Whether you are Spring Cleaning or just addressing a current artistic expression of a child, crayon marks on walls can be challenging to remove. Regular cleaning products just seem to move the stain around and not do ...

Karla News

Personal Uses of Avon Skin So Soft

One of the best products out there that I have ever tried was Skin So Soft Bath Oil by Avon. Not only is Skin So Soft an awesome bath oil, it also has more uses that will help make your life easier. Please keep in mind that this product has only been tested as a ...

How to Remove Paint from Cabinets

If you have old painted cabinets that you want to keep but would like to refinish them, you are going to need to remove the paint from the cabinet. Removing old paint is absolutely necessary to the integrity of your refinishing project. So even though this is a difficult project, in the long run it ...