Articles for tag: Ccfa, Remicade

Karla News

The Increasing Cost of Crohn’s

The cost of Crohn’s can be measured in many ways, not all of them financial. However, the financial costs for Crohn’s health care are in some ways easier to evaluate, so let’s start with those. If you’re on Remicade, you will probably need eight intravenous treatments a year. Without insurance, the cost of that is ...

Karla News

What is Pouchitis?

The relief Sarah, 25, felt after a surgeon removed her colon and she began to recover from the devastating effects of ulcerative colitis turned out to be short-lived. Not quite a year later, she developed pouchitis. She began to experience many of the symptoms she’d had before surgery. Overview According to Chicago’s Rush University Medical ...

Kids with Crohn’s, Colitis, and IBD

140,000 children under the age of 21 have IBD, according to Athos Bousvaros, M.D, past Chairperson of Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. “We can’t prove it yet, but the incidence of IBD among children and adolescents appears to be increasing dramatically,” said Athos in a 2006, newsletter published by the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. ...

A Survivor’s Tips to Managing Crohn’s Disease

I just turned 60. People usually describe me in terms of what I’ve accomplished in my career or my list of degrees. I seldom do. My greatest achievement is surviving Crohn’s disease, not drafting regulations for Congress to ponder. Crohn’s is one of two inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). Its cousin is ulcerative colitis. While removing ...

Karla News

How to Survive a Crohn’s Flare Up

Crohn’s is an autoimmune disease that begins in the ileum, or small intestine. If you were able to see the inside of the small intestine during a Crohn’s flare up it would look like a mass of ulcers throughout the ileum. Imagine the pain of a canker sore in your mouth, multiply it times a ...