Articles for tag: Organic Milk, Pasteurization, Refrigeration, Whole Milk

Karla News

Cow’s Milk: Fat Content, Pasteurization and Your Health

Milk has been referred to as one of the most perfect foods on earth. A mother’s elixir, it contains essential vitamins and minerals, and even natural antibodies that help fight illness and disease. Milk isn’t something to be taken at face value, however. Behind us are the days when our only choices were milk and ...

Karla News

Holiday Wine Storage Tips for Party Hosts

Are you thinking about serving several bottles of wine with your holiday meal? Do you have a wine cellar or wine refrigeration unit in your home? If not, you’ll want to give some thought about how you plan on storing the wine until meal time. Otherwise, it could end up not tasting as well as ...

Karla News

Which Grocery Items Need to Be Refrigerated?

Increasing your food’s shelf life is a great way to cut down on shopping and cleaning hassles, and it can help you keep your budget tight and lean. If you often find yourself throwing away spoiled food, it can prove to be well worth your time to turn your attention to learning a bit about ...

California Refrigeration License Requirements

Individuals seeking to do refrigeration installation, maintenance and repair need to get a license to work on an individual basis. The California Contractors State License Board issues the refrigeration license. Requirements consist of work experience, a contractor exam and a refrigeration exam. In addition to the knowledge and experience requirements, an applicant needs to possess ...