Articles for tag: Florida Wildlife, Redfish

Karla News

Catch a Redfish / Red Drum

Redfish, also known as Red Drum, Spottail, Red Bass, and Channel Bass, are a fun lighter-tackle species to catch. The name “Red Drum” comes from their reddish color and their drumming sound when they are caught and taken out of the water. Red drum are found in both inshore and nearshore waters along the Atlantic, ...

Karla News

The Top Night Life in Boulder

Ah yes, the endless question of what to do at night in your average city. Many travelers, when confronted with this dilemma, simply wander the streets in search of liquid personality, usually ending up tired and hungry. Not to fear, however, if you happen to be in Boulder, Colorado. While there is no possibility of ...

Karla News

Southern Redfish Recipes

Redfish are a popular inshore southern saltwater species. They are also called red drum, puppy drum, and spottail bass. They are the most well-known member of the drum and croaker family which includes speckled trout, black drum, and spot. Redfish fillets are delicious, but all states have strict size and creel limits on redfish so ...

Karla News

The Top 8 Inshore Saltwater Live Baits

It’s hard to beat live bait when saltwater fishing. The following eight live baits are all top producers for catching dinner if you’re fishing the inshore waters of the Gulf or Atlantic coast. I’ve ranked them from lowest (8) to highest (1) in terms of my personal view of their effectiveness. 8. Fiddler crabs. Fiddlers ...

Karla News

Mosquito Lagoon: Redfish Capitol in New Smyrna Beach, Florida

The Mosquito Lagoon in New Smyrna Beach and surrounding areas, is known as the redfish capitol. Redfish are prevalent in this area, due to the vast amounts of sea grasses that exist in the area’s unique ecosystem, where different types of sea grass and waterways combine and flourish. From the Ponce Inlet down past Edgewater, ...