Articles for tag: Hemorrhoid Treatment, Hemorrhoids, Rectum

How to Treat Bleeding Hemorrhoids

It is not possible to discuss how to treat bleeding hemorrhoids without discussing the causes and symptoms of this rather inconvenient condition. Hemorrhoids can be described as the inflammation of veins in and around the rectum. This condition is relatively common but it not really a serious condition on its own. The problem is that ...

Karla News

Pessary Insertion and Pessary Care

What is a Pessary? A pessary is a medical device that is used in the non-surgical management of a number of gynecological conditions. It is a device that is inserted into the vagina or rectum to support the vagina, uterus, bladder and rectum when the muscles and structures that hold them up are weakened or ...

Karla News

Causes of Abnormal Anal Bleeding

Most people assume that if they see blood in the toilet, they have hemorrhoids but the truth is, abnormal anal bleeding could be caused by a number of things. Don’t assume that you burst a hemorrhoid or sat on the toilet too long. If your symptoms disappear within a few days, it could just be ...

Karla News

Blood in Stool: A Common Symptom of Ulcerative Colitis

Blood in stool is a common symptom of ulcerative colitis, though it rarely happens with every bowel movement, and can have multiple causes. When you notice blood in stool, it can be incredibly alarming, especially if you’ve never seen it before or have no idea why it might be happening. Fortunately, however, such a condition ...

Karla News

Treating Hemorrhoids Naturally

What is a hemorrhoid? Plainly put a hemorrhoid is a varicose vein of the rectum; in fact many of the herbs used to treat varicose veins may also be effective in treating hemorrhoids. Before treating your hemorrhoids you should be diagnosed by a doctor. What is the difference between internal and external? Internal hemorrhoids can ...

Karla News

Fecal Impactions and Bowel Obstruction

Causes of and Digital Removal of Impactions: This is a condition where the stool or fecal matter cannot pass by normal defecation. This happens as the result of extreme constipation. We all know that we need large amounts of fiber and liquid in our diets to keep our bowels functioning normally. Sometimes, we become constipated ...

Karla News

Proctalgia: Causes of Rectal Pain

Rectal pain is a common complaint, especially among women. The medical term for rectal pain is commonly referred to as proctalgia. There are many possible causes of rectal pain, including constipation, internal and external hemorrhoids. Other causes of rectal pain will be included in future articles. Constipation Constipation can be caused by hormonal changes in ...