Articles for tag: Quito

Karla News

Asuncion Paraguay Transportation

Like many cities in Latin America, the Paraguayan capital of Asuncion blends remnants of an Amerindian and Spanish Colonial past with a slowly rumbling new infrastructure. Although less instantly responsive to tourist transportation demands than Quito, Lima, and its other peers, Asuncion remains accessible. Here is a brief guide to Asuncion Paraguay transportation. Asuncion Paraguay ...

Karla News

The Bahia Ecuador Real Estate Market

The time could not be better for renting or purchasing property in Bahia Ecuador. The longest bridge, in Ecuador, opened in Bahia on November 3rd 2010 and that has made travel to the northern part of the country, in particular Quito, more accessible. The Bahia Ecuador real estate market is safe and abundant but here ...

Karla News

How to Plan a Honeymoon in the Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands were formed by several massive underwater equatorial volcanoes that emerged from the sea and connected together to form a chain of islands. This chain is made up of six minor islands and sixteen major islands. In total, the Galapagos contain about 4,897 square miles of dry land, 30,000 regular residents and a ...

Karla News

Apostille – How to Get Your Documents Apostilled

Introduction When you are requesting a permanent visa from a foreign country, you will more than likely be asked to provide personnel documents that have been apostilled. This was the case when my wife and I decided to move our residency to Quito, Ecuador, we had to obtain a permanent visa from that country and ...