Articles for tag: Hedgehogs, Quills, Unusual Pets

Karla News

Exotic Pets: Hedgehogs

The African Pygmy Hedgehog is a hybrid of the White-Bellied and North African hedgehog. Their backs are covered with rows of prickly spines (but not barbed like porcupines, and they don’t “shoot” their quills) and soft furry bellies, and come in a variety of colors and markings. They grow five to eight inches long and ...

Karla News

Chupacabra: The “Goat Sucker” of Urban Legends

The chupacrabra is the subject of many urban legends. Conspiracy theorists, many of whom also believe in UFOs complete visitors from other worlds believe this creature is part of a government conspiracy to help keep people from panicking. Exactly what it looks like depends on the region in which it is sighted and in many ...

How to Sew and Easy Indian Chief Headdress

Even if you don’t have a lot of sewing experience there are many things you can stitch that don’t require great skill. Thinking about some of these projects, you could become a little intimidated, but if you follow each step you could find out that your sewing skills are much better than you realized. One ...

Karla News

Porcupines: Also Known as Quill Pigs

It has been estimated that porcupines have been around for about 35 million years. They can be found in many parts of the world including: North, Central and South America, Asia, Africa and Indonesia. Their name comes from the French word porc which means pig and epine which means spine. Apparently, the large nostrils and ...

Karla News

Cinnamon and Cassia: Same Family, Different Tree

In the U.S., we have had the wool pulled over our eyes about cinnamon. What is commonly know in the U.S. as “cinnamon” is actually Cassia (cinnamomum aromaticum). It is a relative of true cinnamon, but it is not the real thing. The rest of the world uses true cinnamon (cinnamomum verum) in their cooking ...

Karla News

Caring for Your Pet Hedgehog

Recently hedgehogs have become quite popular as exotic pets. Although hedgehogs are found throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia, pet hedgehogs are usually interbred from the white-bellied hedgehog and the Algerian hedgehog. These are often mistakenly called African pigmy hedgehogs. The interbreeding has created a great variety of colors and markings. If you like positive feedback ...

Karla News

African Crested Porcupine Facts

African crested porcupines, hystrix crisata, are the largest rodents in Africa. They measure 28 to 30 inches (71 to 76 centimeters) with a 5 inch (12 centimeter) tail. They are pretty heavy creatures as well, weighing in at anywhere from 44 to 60 pounds (20 to 27 kilograms). They have small eyes and ears as ...

Karla News

What You Should Know About Treating a Dog for a Porcupine Quill Injury

Even if you’ve never seen a porcupine live and up-close you know exactly what it is, right? The strange rodent is covered in prickly quills and roams around at night. Generally, the porcupine isn’t a threatening animal; it will usually avoid confrontation. However, if a standoff should occur the porcupine is well able to defend ...

Karla News

Prick Those Porcupine Quills Out of Your Pet

As much as my pet loves to travel she has not come across a porcupine yet, thank goodness, because porcupine quills are a very sticky problem. If your pet has a few porcupine quills stuck on them, you can help him get out of this sticky situation. However, if they have a lot of porcupine ...