Articles for tag: Acupuncture Treatment, Acupuncturist, Qi, What is Acupuncture

Acupuncture for Depression

Since being widely introduced to the US population in the 1970’s, the practice of acupuncture has been utilized to treat all sorts of conditions and illnesses that cause the body pain, discomfort, or disruption. Recently the therapy has been gaining popularity for mental and emotional conditions as well. Patients suffering from depression, whether mild, severe, ...

Health Benefits of Dang Shen

Dang Shen is the Pin Yin (Chinese) name for the botanical name of Codonopsis pilosula. A common nickname for this herb is “Poor Man’s Ginseng.” This is because the actual Ginseng is too expensive, and Dang Shen can offer similar benefits without the high cost. As an energy tonic, Dang Shen can also offer other ...

Karla News

Astragalus Can Help Spontaneous Sweating

Do you have spontaneous sweating at the slight hint of anxiety? Before confirming that you have a nervous disorder or disorder of the thyroid, you may think that it is just overactive sweat glands. Astragalus is a powerful herb used in traditional Chinese medicine that can treat spontaneous sweating effectively if the underlying causes match ...

Karla News

Tai Chi and Qi Gong in Mount Laurel, New Jersey

In the Rancocas Woods of Mt. Laurel, NJ, at 114 Creek Road, sits the Silver Tiger Studio for the study and practice of Tai Chi Ch’uang and Quigong. Silver Tiger is under the direction of Master Ting Kuo-Piao (William Ting). Master Ting teaches the Wu Ji Jing Gong form which emphasizes techniques to cultivate and ...

Karla News

Fire Cupping

A patient lies face down on a treatment table and there’s a hole for her face. Lying flat she cannot see what’s going on. The administrator applies massage oil to her back and picks up a cotton ball with tongs. The cotton ball is dipped in alcohol, set afire, placed inside a glass cup for ...